4 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds:

Idrees Ahmed
3 min readNov 23, 2021


Someone with a cat allergy would surely recognize red eyes, sneezing, or itchy skin. In fact, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America says 3 out of 10 people show an allergic reaction towards cats and dogs.

If the allergies are so widespread, does that mean you can’t have a cat? Well first, you need to understand what causes allergy. All cats produce a protein called Fel D1 in their saliva, which they use to clean and groom themselves. Cat dander, which is dandruff created by the cat’s skin, can also cause allergies. Now let’s find out what is a hypoallergenic cat

What is a Hypoallergenic cat?

If all cats produce Fel D1 protein then what’s a hypoallergenic cat? Technically there is no such thing as an allergy-free cat. However, some cat breeds produce less allergy protein and shed very little dander, therefore, making them less allergen.

Owing a hypoallergenic cat doesn’t mean you won’t get allergies but it reduces the chance to get affected. If you still can’t resist having a cat despite being allergic, here is a list of the 4 best hypoallergenic cat breeds for you.

  • Balinese:

Known for being playful, intelligent, and curious, Balinese can be a great choice for people with mild cat allergies. Balinese are thought to be a mutated version of Siamese. Their clever personality means they can be trained easily.

They crave attention and would love to have a chat with you. This cute feline produces less Fel D1 and has a single-layer coat, so they won’t require much maintenance.

  • Cornish Rex:

While some cats have a three-layered coat, Cornish Rex often has a thin coat. They don’t shed much, which makes them more desirable for less allergic people. Don’t forget to cat-proof your home before bringing a Cornish Rex because these felines are highly active and can get on to inaccessible places in your house.

  • Sphynx/Hairless cat:

Despite their unusual looks, Sphynx is considered a go-to option for allergic people, It is closely related to a hypoallergenic cat, but like all other cats, they do produce dander. Sphynx is a gentle and cute feline who loves cuddling, doing tricks all day. They will follow you all day around and show dog-like devotion.

  • Russian Blue:

Despite having a dense coat, allergic people love to have a Russian Blue because they produce less Fel D1 protein. Unlike other cats on our list, these felines are known to be quiet and love to follow a routine. Usually, they have yellow eyes but the color changes from yellow to a beautiful shade of green within three to four months. Astonishing right?

Bottom line:

At the end of the day, all felines are different, and it’s difficult to tell which one works for you. So to find which one is best for you, ask your friends, talk to breeders and other experts to get a more specific insight.

